Myself (Alexander)

Hello my name is Alexander Bartlett. I am 15 years old and I was born on the 19th of February 2009. I live with my parents Tash and Andrew and my sister Becky. We also have a cat named Minti who is a ragdoll. I was born in Australia but I have lived in New Zealand for nearly all my life! I have many hobbies, some of these include: Tennis, gaming, acting, singing and going for a swim at the beach in summertimes. I go to Kristin School which is a private school in Albany where I learn heaps of fun things! My favourite things to learn at school are: Drama, Digital technology and History. I also do lots of things outside of school like: Playing tennis at my club (Campbells Bay Tennis Club), Coaching tennis, going to the gym and hanging out with my friends. One of my friends is Harrison J Fulop who was once at kristin but now goes to westlake. My favourite colour is purple because I think it's pretty snazzy. My favourite animal is also the Lobster because they are pretty cool with them being bright red and also being a crastation so I think that's amazing. I also really like banana cake. I mean , the sheer beauty of Banana cake can bring tears to my eyes. When I see a piece of Banana cake I fall to my knees and weep just because of how incredible it looks.